Information for authors
Dear Colleagues! We ask you to treat the proposed publication conditions with understanding. For us
indexing in the Web of Science and Scopus system is the first experience, we try not to stand still and go further,
trying international standards.
Information mail:

1. Terms of publication:
- articles that have not been published earlier are accepted, including in Russian
collections and magazines. The originality of the text must be at least 95% outside
dependence on the language (we draw attention to the fact that the originality of the text implies,
that correct citation is no more than 5% of the text);
- materials are accepted exclusively in high-quality English, not
publications made with the help of machine translation are accepted, the organizing committee
the conference will assess in detail the level of the language;
- materials must be installed according to the template (in the document template)
the conditions of registration, including the list of references, must be observed.
2.2. Duties and rights of the authors of the collection of materials:
- the author has the right to withdraw the article at any time before the transfer to the layout;
- the obligation to comply with the terms of publication, since otherwise
If the organizing committee of the conference may receive a refusal from indexing in
systems Web of Science / Scopus.
Publication in the edition is free.
We attach an article template (template) to this letter, as well as instructions for
the design of articles, please be guided in the preparation of materials
(Appendix 1, 2).
Deadline for sending us a Russian-language article and signed copyright - 28
November 2019, end of the day Moscow time. Please adhere strictly to the deadline
to ensure the quality work of the organizing committee. We will be glad if you
send articles earlier. Time for correspondence with authors and making edits to the submissions
articles - until January 15, 2020.
Indexing our volume in the Web of Science / Scopus will take from one to two years.
Regardless of the total index of articles in the data of foreign systems, will be published
printed collection with the assignment of ISSN / ISBN and its index in the RSCI.